Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday with a new attitude

Good afternoon to all of my fellow readers out there today.  Well, I went to school today with a renewed faith that all was going to be OK with school and me now.  For the past week I was not so sure ... I was not liking it much.
Spooky Cake and it was very good too!

I am just not sure really how to explain it but I think that once I got over the RP hump that I was back in the game.  I also have to tell you that I didn't want to learn any of this stuff about China and what they ate but in the middle of it all I have learned so many things that were so unexpected.  I mean I have to tell you that China is not so bad after all and it really sounds like all of their food would be very good.  I mean I like Chinese food well enough but ... this is the real stuff so it must be that much better right?

I found out today that the day that I am able to invite my family to my lunch at school will be 11/23 ... the day before Thanksgiving.  I am getting so excited about this now and I really can't wait.  All I need to know now is who will come and if everyone in my family is busy I do have a contingency plan that will be just as much fun.  I also plan on going to our local Chinese Restaurant and getting some chop sticks and maybe some of those way cool place mats that you see.  And I also thought that I would go to the Library and get some Chinese music to play to make it a little more real ... any other ideas out there that could make this a little more special?

There are some pictures coming from last week of the "forcemeat" and the skinning of the rabbit and the butchering of the pig.  I just don't have them in the computer as of yet ... but as soon as I do they will be here for you to see.

Today was bookwork day so we did not cook.  I guess the rest of this week we are just going to go over things and practice because next week are mid-terms again ... this time with a mystery basket.  Wonder what it will be?  Knowing our Chef I really don't think that it will be anything too regular ... we will have to work for this grade.  I happen to be pretty good with surprises so maybe that will work in my favor?  I sure hope so.
I do have a couple of pictures of what the new class did today in the kitchen that I will share with you.

I will get back with you later on how all of this is working out but for now I can believe that I have a new sense of what I am suppose to do and that would be to do this, finish this and graduate and do the best job that I know how.  And I will always remember that learning something new is not so bad even if it is against your will.

That will be all for now.  It is cool in my apartment and I think that I need to get on some warmer clothes ... so, have a wonderful evening and I will check in with you all tomorrow.  Good bye for now from 1HappyChef.  :)  You all have a really great evening and Happy Halloween from me to you!

I just wanted to powiedzieć, aby moje dobrym przyjacielem Angie, iż tak miły co powiedziała mi się dziś i sobie sprawę teraz, że jestem aprecjacji w jako członka zespołu. Nie miałam... Nie miałam miałem nawet wszelkie przyjaciół w szkole..., ale jest tak miły wiedzieć, że mogę zrobić.
Dziękujemy, Angie i dziękujemy wszystkim jako przyjacielu... Ja będę was wspierać jak mogę więc mamy można uzyskać za pośrednictwem innego tydzień z dobrej jakości. Love, ya Ange!

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