Saturday, March 26, 2011

9 days and counting

I am not sure what I am more excited about ... finally doing something that I have wanted to do for a very long time or getting the new black shoes in order to do it.  I think that being able to cook everyday and perhaps eat what we cook will by far be more exciting than the black new shoes. 

I also am striving for perfect attendance and straight A's ... and I will do whatever I can to make it happen for both Heidi and I.  I myself am a very committed person, if I am going to do something then I go all the way and do the best job that I can do ... but this is going to be a piece of cake ... I love cooking ... there is nothing else like it.  

I am very excited about the surprise that Heidi has for me on Tuesday ... I wonder what it could be?  I love surprises but it is so hard to wait for it .. but I guess that I will have to ... just a few more days, right?

I am getting myself and my apartment in order so nothing will get in the way of school ... I have finished much of it but have a few things left to do.  I will take care of those next week .... THEN OUR "BIG" DAY WILL BE HERE!  I will start writing regular then and letting you know all of the good things that we are doing everyday.  Till then ... have a Great Day Sunday!

Almost there

Last week we had meet and greet at school.  It's where everyone starting in April comes together and if they wanted, bring guests.  We had a great meeting and then dun dun dadta went into the kitchen we will actually be learning in and watched the Chefs make pizza.  Then best of all we got to eat it.  I can't wait to get to class and start learning. 
Now for reality,,, today I drank my last glass of sweeten ices tea.  Tomorrow I have my last cup of coffee. I hope to get through withdrawal before we start school so I don't be a bitch right off. 
Next week we get to go again for orientation.  We will get all the rules and information we will need to be good students.
I am pushing my Sister to have perfect attendance and straight A's.  I know we can do it. 
I made her a special surprise.  She will love it I'm sure.   I know she'll post about it once I give it to her at orientation.
Well on to the last week of sleeping in and doing what I want to do in the mornings.  Onward to school!
Onward thru the fog.  Let's cook.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Also preparing to cook

You are right about all of it my wonderful sister.  We have talked and talked about this and now the day is almost here and I can not wait.  I also have been getting things prepared so it will be easier on a day to day without having to worry about other things.  This coming week I will be gutting and cleaning out the apartment (now that I know I can stay here) so I will not have to worry in coming weeks when we are busy at school.  I think that this is going to be an experience of a life time ... not just Culinary School ... but most of all doing it with my sister ... YOU!  I will however be very happy when we can start writing about cooking and our real cooking experience. 

Preparing to cook

Yesterday and today I spent most of the day clearing my kitchen of things just taking up space. I need the room for my new cooking career.  I decided to stop drinking coffee, not only for health reasons but also for the counter space.  I even washed all the windows to let the sunshine in. My mind is full of sunshine with the excitement of finally doing something I've wanted to do for many, many years.  And to get to do it with my Sister is even better.

2HappyChefs Finally Cooking

This was truly a labor of love to get it together enough to follow our dream.  2HappyChefs have wanted to cook together for most of their lives and now to be able to go to Culinary School together was just too much to ever hope for ... but now it is here.  We start on 4/4/11 and we are so very excited.  We are also very excited to share this day to day experience with you all.  I think that it will be a great experience for all of us.