Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mexican buffet tomorrow

Good afternoon everyone.  How is everyone doing?  I am kind of wiped out today as this buffet building is a very long and slow process.  I really enjoy eating Mexican cuisine but I have never cooked much of it and if I did it was nothing like the things that we are making for this buffet.  I guess that the difference would be is that I am making authentic Mexican food and the stuff that we make at home or get eating out is not usually the real thing.

Things are actually going a lot better this week everything considered.  I am still just a little behind but I am sure that it will all be ready for the deadline tomorrow morning at 11 AM.
Also, this extra job that I took on ... sous chef ... that has been some what of a challenge to get everyone to do their jobs and share the load.  It seems like there are the same ones all of the time doing it all and the rest just sit around and criticize.   

 Hay por ahí, esa persona muy especial que ha estado ahí para mí estos últimos días (especialmente cuando necesitaba ayuda con tareas) que se está constituyendo en un muy buen amigo mío que me ha hecho darse cuenta de que quiero empezar a vivir mi vida otra vez. Me refiero en todos los sentidos no sólo en el mundo culinario que tanto amo y disfrutar ya. No sé cómo explicarlo, pero me encuentro escuchando (realmente escucha) de las palabras a las canciones ahora y hemos sido día soñando en mi tiempo libre... se siente bien. Gracias querido amigo! Creo que ustedes saben quién es usted:

So for today I am going to say good bye.  I don't have any homework (well none due tomorrow at least) so I just took a shower and got on my jimmies and I am going to chill in front of the TV until it is time to go to bed.  I could use just a little break to get psyched  up for the big day tomorrow.

Everyone have a really great evening and I promise that I will have lots of great pictures and lots of news tomorrow.  Take care and good night from 1HappyChef.  :) 

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