Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Creamy Tomato Soup

Hi, how is everyone today.  Hope that it warms up soon ... can't wait to see some sunshine!  Today our project was to make from start to finish Creamy Tomato Soup.  We are all on teams, our team is 5 people all striving for the same thing ... a degree in the Culinary field at the end of one year.  I need to stay more focused on what I am suppose to be doing and not getting upset when other team members are not doing what they are suppose to be doing.  We have a couple of team members who want to talk across the table about anything and everything and then when it is time to cook they don't have a clue what we are doing.  There are other team members who do not pay attention at all or listen to anything so they are always asking what we are suppose to be doing or by not paying attention always getting the direction/instructions wrong, mixed up or not getting them at all.  There are other team members who what to be helpful and do everything but in the end do very little.  I am older, more experienced and perhaps a little wiser ... and on the down side I am slower, can't hear as well and have a harder time getting it and the tests are killing me .. but most of the time I feel like a lost soul not really accomplishing much of anything. I am here to change my life and I need everyones help just as they need mine ... if we can't get along in this setting and get the job done then we have NO business going into this business.  The Chef said today that soon we would be on different teams ... wonder if anything will change?  I heard a lot of complaints today from other team members about people on their teams ... so, I guess that we are all in the same boat?  I myself am going to do things to the best of my ability and try not to let the commotion upset me too much.  The last time I was upset I nearly cut my finger off ...  any how I have done my venting and I am hoping that whom ever reads this thinks about it and we all start trying to help out each other and not going against each other.  Working together, listening, paying attention, not distracting the others in the team ... all of these things make for a better team, right?  Well, this is 2HappyChefs signing off for now.  Have a good evening and take a look at the Creamy Tomato Soup, it was very tasty.

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