Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas traditions/China

Good morning to all of my readers.  Here is the first Christmas tradition that I will be posting.  I have looked up the information and all of the Countries celebrate differently and I think you might find it as interesting as I have how different all of our traditions really are.  I think that I will post one or two of these traditions each day until I get through every country ... it is very interesting all of the differences.

Today at school we will still be doing the Ginger Bread Houses.  Frankly I am happy that this is winding down and also happy that the entire MOD is winding down and about over with.  Only 2 weeks left and then a break for about too weeks and then we start out externships.  Wow, this year has flown by so very quickly.  In a blink and it is over with and I will be graduating.

I picked China first because that was my RP and I learned a lot about China doing it.  Speaking of the RP all of that has to be turned in next Monday for the final grade ... hum, wonder what that will end up being?  I did everything that was required but I still am not too confident about what the final grade will be.

I am also waiting to find out the results from my MRI the other day and waiting to hear what can be done to make all of the pain go away.  I hope that I hear today or I may call tomorrow and see if the MRI has been read yet or find out when I can find out about the results.  I have another Dr. appointment next Friday so maybe I won't find out until then?  I have to tell you though that the meds. are making me goofy and somethings I feel so weird that I can't even talk right.  It's like someone else is in my head trying to talk ... so, the sooner I don't have to take these anymore the better.

I will be saying good bye for now from 1HappyChef.  Have a really great day everyone and I will write later and post some new pictures of the final products of the ginger bread houses.  Take care everyone ... stay warm and well today!

    Christmas in China
    The Christian children of China decorate trees with colorful ornaments. These ornaments are made from paper in the shapes of flowers, chains and lanterns. They also hang muslin stockings hoping that Christmas Old Man will fill them with gifts and treats.

    The Chinese Christmas trees are called "Trees of Light." Santa Claus is called Dun Che Lao Ren which means "Christmas Old Man.".

    The non-Christian Chinese call this season the Spring Festival and celebrate with many festivities that include delicious meals and pay respects to their ancestors. The children are the main focus of these celebrations, they receive new clothes and toys, eat delectable food and watch firecrackers displays.


  1. Do you have any idea if the lit Christmas tree truly comes from China? I have seen other sources that say the lit Christmas tree comes from Germany. Not sure what to believe.


  2. I am not sure but I will check it out and get back to you ... that will take a little time to research it but I will see if I can find out for you. Thank you for the comment, D
