Saturday, March 26, 2011

9 days and counting

I am not sure what I am more excited about ... finally doing something that I have wanted to do for a very long time or getting the new black shoes in order to do it.  I think that being able to cook everyday and perhaps eat what we cook will by far be more exciting than the black new shoes. 

I also am striving for perfect attendance and straight A's ... and I will do whatever I can to make it happen for both Heidi and I.  I myself am a very committed person, if I am going to do something then I go all the way and do the best job that I can do ... but this is going to be a piece of cake ... I love cooking ... there is nothing else like it.  

I am very excited about the surprise that Heidi has for me on Tuesday ... I wonder what it could be?  I love surprises but it is so hard to wait for it .. but I guess that I will have to ... just a few more days, right?

I am getting myself and my apartment in order so nothing will get in the way of school ... I have finished much of it but have a few things left to do.  I will take care of those next week .... THEN OUR "BIG" DAY WILL BE HERE!  I will start writing regular then and letting you know all of the good things that we are doing everyday.  Till then ... have a Great Day Sunday!

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